That's why fifteen multinational companies, including IBM, Microsoft and Emirates Airlines are the current testing grounds for the app along with individual users.
Charles Blaschke, CEO of energy efficiency company Taka Solutions, is also among this early group of users.
The Wrappup team joined Taka Solutions’ weekly meeting late last year to test the benefits of the app.
“We know we’re inefficient at our meetings… we go too long,” Blaschke said. The meeting concluded after three hours and the Wrappup team pointed out how time was spent.
“It was really surprising,” Blaschke said. “We are engineers, so we like numbers, we like analytics [and this] helps us focus. All of a sudden, we had the meeting minutes in our inbox, and we’d never had that before, in general.”
Constantly creating new features is elemental to Wrappup’s success. With their diverse personal backgrounds, the three bicker like family on a dinner table, they explain the other’s point of view, they contend over the version of a story. and they self-admittedly have no respect for each other’s time, with each having been woken by the other at some point.
“What makes us work is that we’re all brutally honest with each other,” Salman said “There’s ingenuity- we have found random little tricks to make things work, and there’s determination.”
That honesty came into play when the team debated returning to the region after their success in the Valley.